Wednesday, October 12, 2011

VIDEO: iPhone 4S's Siri Responds to 2001: A Space Odyssey, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Prompts

Ok gadget hounds, so this Siri thing is pretty neat. AND she/it has a built-in sense for movie geekery, so if you happen to ask her, say, what the meaning of life is. (Answer: 42, duh.) Or slyly refer to the shenanigans of that uber-intelligent, all-knowing other futuristic supercomputer, HAL 9000. Watch video of Siri in action (at the 5:15 mark) after the jump and stick around for more Buzz Break. [MacWorld via Slashfilm] “I spent most of my life just trying to humor people.” Sipping lemonade and puffing on a cigar circa 1998, the late, great Hunter S. Thompson explains how his first manuscript, The Rum Diary (written in his youth, published decades later, and made into this week’s Johnny Depp starrer) was eclipsed by his Hell’s Angels gonzo reportage and languished in his basement for years. [Movie City News] National Amusements is actually not amused by Universal’s Tower Heist VOD plan and has joined the fast-growing exhibitor boycott of the film. This thing’s picking up more steam than Occupy America. [Reuters] Samuel L. Jackson has joined Twitter, muthaf***ers. [@SamuelLJackson] The celeb hacker suspected of breaking into Scarlett Johansson’s email account and exposing her naughty self-portraits to the world has been arrested by the FBI in an operation apparently called, I kid you not, Operation Hackerazzi. [THR] Terry Gilliam, 70, is still trying to put Don Quixote together. “I’ve actually reached the point of not believing I’ll ever make a film again.” Sadface. [Independent]

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